Social tools & web apps for work

Off the back of my recent invitation to speak on a panel at the Office 2.0 conference, I decided it was about time I went public about all the online tools that I & my team have introduced to NESTA. Here's a quick runthrough:

Our Intranet is a structured (hybrid) wiki powered by ThoughtFarmer... We've also been using CommunityServer to drive our internal blogs & discussion boards... We use Central Desktop for a number of things: my own team uses it as a collaborative workspace for all work, from steady-state 'rolling' work, to discrete projects... We're using to do some pretty cool things aside from the usual social bookmarking. For example, our Innovation Digest email newsletter is created from a feed, as is the online version... we're using Yahoo Pipes to meld 2 feeds from our Typepad blogs to fill the 'blogs' slot on our website homepage... We've introduced Netvibes to various staff members... We've used WebEx to enable our UK Partnerships team to collaborate across distances, often as an alternative to flying...

More info can be found in the full post on the NESTA blog >>